How to prevent recurrent shingles and cold sores: here’s what you need to know
Here is what you need to know from a functional immunology perspective about how to prevent recurrent shingles and cold sores.
Here is what you need to know from a functional immunology perspective about how to prevent recurrent shingles and cold sores.
Here are 3 easy things that will make your immune system happy and more balanced this autumn (some may surprise you!)
If you would like an easy way to get started with assessing your immune function, this simple test might surprise you, because you may find you’ve already done it!
Your immune system knows things that can help or hurt you. Discover how it learns so you can manipulate dendritic cells, its ultimate teachers.
The 'primitive' innate immune system may hold the key to designing successful and comprehensive interventions for autoimmunity or allergy.
Innate immunity is our first line of defence. Learn the basics so that you can thoroughly optimise your immune system, hence your health.
Discover the fundamentals of health and how good immunity looks like, in the first article in the series, introducing the immune system.
Vitamin D is essential for an optimal immune function, including in autoimmunity, but we need personalised, evidence-based approaches.
There is only one conventional disease-modifying treatment for allergy. In hay fever, immunotherapy can be curative.
What could be the value of allergy experts for long COVID management? The secret lies in the complex functions of the allergy-master-cell...